Our approach is creative, collaborative and cohesive.

We work with communities and we partner with best-in-class consultants to deliver places that meet local needs.


We lead with design.

At Sandhurst Retail & Logistics, we believe good design is not just about aesthetics or utility, but creating a better quality of life. Equal access, greater opportunity, improved business – we collaborate with leading thinkers to bring creative solutions to growth areas where they are needed most.

Design for a true mixed-use destination means creating spaces that benefit the entire community.

Design for a true mixed-use destination means creating spaces that benefit the entire community.

With more crossover considered in the design, spaces allow for more chance encounters.

With more crossover considered in the design, spaces allow for more chance encounters.

Good quality design benefits the environment and the community, improving the quality for all.

Good quality design benefits the environment and the community, improving the quality for all.

We look to the future.

At Sandhurst Retail & Logistics, our approach to sustainability goes far beyond “thinking green”. We consider long-term benefits we can build in from a social, environmental and economic perspective.

Our ESG Strategy defines our most important material topics, and targets to achieve our vision.

Download our ESG Strategy

We’re working to reduce our long-term environmental impact through various initiatives. These include using renewable energy, designing for energy efficiency, reusing water and recycling materials and waste.

Topic Areas

Carbon Emissions
Cimate Change Resilience
Waste & Circular Economy

Hero Targets

6 Star Green Star 
for all new core assets
Net Zero Operations by 2030 (scope 1 and 2 emissions)
100% Renewable Energy for all new core assets by 2026
Climate Related Risks and Opportunities are managed in alignment with TCFD

We demonstrate a sustainable social approach through our build-and-hold strategy, extensive community consultation approach and local engagement programs. We also design for inclusion — in construction practices, Indigenous inclusion and support for under-represented groups. Finally, we prioritise the health and wellbeing of our staff and occupants of the places we create through a range of programs.

Topic Areas

Community Engagement/Investments
Health & Wellbeing
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

Hero Targets

Pledge 1% to our local communities

Our commitment to corporate governance keeps us transparent and accountable through annual reports, ensuring our policies and practices are promoted and implemented. The procurement process for the design, construction and ongoing servicing of the places we create also follows best practice environmental and social principles.

Topic Areas

Accountability & Reporting
Responsible Investment
Corporate Governance/Business Ethics Sustainable
Procurement including materials and supply chain

Hero Targets

Report on ESG performance annually

We are driven to improve the quality of communities for everyone – from retailers and residents to councils and consumers.

We do this by putting people at the centre.

Working with communities from the beginning allows us to hear firsthand what matters most.

Working with communities from the beginning allows us to hear firsthand what matters most.

Listening to feedback during the design process ensures we consider a diverse range of needs.

Listening to feedback during the design process ensures we consider a diverse range of needs.

Collaborating with community groups and organisations leads to exploring greater mixed-use options.

Collaborating with community groups and organisations leads to exploring greater mixed-use options.

Our community consultation process is ongoing. We continue to engage, respond and deliver to meet changing needs.

Our community consultation process is ongoing. We continue to engage, respond and deliver to meet changing needs.

We are driven to improve the quality of communities for everyone – from retailers and residents to councils and consumers.

We do this by putting people at the centre.

Working with communities from the beginning allows us to hear firsthand what matters most.

Working with communities from the beginning allows us to hear firsthand what matters most.

Listening to feedback during the design process ensures we consider a diverse range of needs.

Listening to feedback during the design process ensures we consider a diverse range of needs.

Collaborating with community groups and organisations leads to exploring greater mixed-use options.

Collaborating with community groups and organisations leads to exploring greater mixed-use options.

Our community consultation process is ongoing. We continue to engage, respond and deliver to meet changing needs.

Our community consultation process is ongoing. We continue to engage, respond and deliver to meet changing needs.